Roadmap for this version.

Major changes

  • Implementation of Polya-Gamma covariate keyATM.
  • Use future.apply instead of parallel (no backward compatibility if you use the init_parallel option).
  • The keyATM_read() function returns a list of objects (e.g., text and document index).
  • An option to store document names in a quanteda dfm object. The keep_docnames option in the keyATM_read() function (thank you Morgan ‘Les’ DeBusk-Lane for the suggestion!).
  • An option to split a dfm to choose keywords with an unsupervised topic model.

Bug fix

  • Using just first 58 speeches of inaugural corpus in test (thank you Ken Benoit for catching this!).

Minor changes

Bug fix

Major changes

Minor changes

  • Pure R text loading to address issues related to UTF-8 encoding in Windows (#189)