Researchers are often interested in investigating how the prevalence of topics change over time. The keyATM can use time stamps for the prior for document-topic distribution through Hidden Markov Model (Chib 1998).

Section 4 of Eshima et al. (2024) explains the dynamic keyATM in details. As explained in keyATM Covariates, we recommend researchers to construct a numeric or an integer vector of time stamps after preprocessing texts.

Preparing time index

Please read Preparation for the reading of documents and creating a list of keywords.

We use the US Presidential inaugural address data we prapared (documents and keywords).

# Get meta information (time stamp)
vars <- docvars(data_corpus_inaugural)
##   Year  President FirstName                 Party
## 1 1789 Washington    George                  none
## 2 1793 Washington    George                  none
## 3 1797      Adams      John            Federalist
## 4 1801  Jefferson    Thomas Democratic-Republican
## 5 1805  Jefferson    Thomas Democratic-Republican
## 6 1809    Madison     James Democratic-Republican
# Divide by a decade
# Timestamp should start with 1 (the variable "Period")
vars %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  mutate(Period = (vars$Year - 1780) %/% 10 + 1) -> vars_period
vars_period %>% select(Year, Period)
## # A tibble: 58 × 2
##     Year Period
##    <int>  <dbl>
##  1  1789      1
##  2  1793      2
##  3  1797      2
##  4  1801      3
##  5  1805      3
##  6  1809      3
##  7  1813      4
##  8  1817      4
##  9  1821      5
## 10  1825      5
## # ℹ 48 more rows

The time index (Period) should start from 1 and increment by 1 (ascending order). To properly process date, please consider using the lubridate package.

We pass the time index to the keyATM() function, specifying the number of hidden states with the num_states in the model_settings argument.

out <- keyATM(
  docs              = keyATM_docs,
  no_keyword_topics = 3,
  keywords          = keywords,
  model             = "dynamic",
  model_settings    = list(time_index = vars_period$Period,
                           num_states = 5),
  options           = list(seed = 250)

Once you fit the model, you can save the model with saveRDS() for replication. This is the same as the base model.

You can resume the iteration by specifying the resume argument.

Interpreting results

We can use the interpretation functions, such as top_words(), top_docs(), plot_modelfit(), as in the base keyATM.

##    1_Government   2_Congress     3_Peace   4_Constitution 5_ForeignAffairs
## 1    government     national   world [✓] constitution [✓]          country
## 2        states        great         new            union           united
## 3        public congress [✓]      nation            power            every
## 4      laws [✓]    political freedom [✓]       rights [✓]          war [✓]
## 5       law [✓]         made     america           people          nations
## 6      citizens       policy         let              now      foreign [✓]
## 7           one      support        time             duty             free
## 8     interests    party [✓]   peace [✓]          present       principles
## 9         state         time         one          general           duties
## 10       powers       office  government         interest             just
##     Other_1        Other_2  Other_3
## 1   liberty          right   people
## 2      work           many    great
## 3      hope           much     good
## 4     every       progress      men
## 5      long           ever   spirit
## 6  citizens            yet  justice
## 7  strength         secure    never
## 8   believe          order american
## 9    fellow           take    first
## 10     land responsibility   future

Since each state has a unique prior for the document-topic distributions, the plot_alpha() function produces a different figure from the base keyATM.

fig_alpha <- plot_alpha(out)

Finally, we can plot the time trend of topics with the plot_timetrend() function. With the time_index_label argument, you can label each time index. Note that store_theta option in the keyATM() function should be TRUE to show 90% credible intervals.

out <- keyATM(
  docs              = keyATM_docs,
  no_keyword_topics = 3,
  keywords          = keywords,
  model             = "dynamic",
  model_settings    = list(time_index = vars_period$Period,
                           num_states = 5),
  options           = list(seed = 250, store_theta = TRUE, thinning = 5)
fig_timetrend <- plot_timetrend(out, time_index_label = vars$Year, xlab = "Year")


  • Chib, S. (1998). “Estimation and comparison of multiple change-point models.” Journal of econometrics, 86(2), 221-241.
  • Eshima, S., Imai, K., & Sasaki, T. (2024). “Keyword Assisted Topic Models.” American Journal of Political Science 68(2): 730-750.