Preparing documents and keywords

Please read Preparation for the reading of documents and creating a list of keywords. We use the US Presidential inaugural address data we prapared (documents and keywords).

Fitting the model

We pass the output of the keyATM_read function and keywords to the keyATM function.

Additionally, we need to specify the number of topics without keywords (the no_keyword_topics argument) and model. Since this example does not use covariates or time stamps, base is the appropriate model.

To guarantee the replicability, we recommend to set the random seed in the option argument (see here for other options). The default number of iterations is 1,500.

out <- keyATM(
  docs              = keyATM_docs,    # text input
  no_keyword_topics = 5,              # number of topics without keywords
  keywords          = keywords,       # keywords
  model             = "base",         # select the model
  options           = list(seed = 250)

The default number of iterations is 1500. Please check this page for available options.

You can resume the iteration by specifying the resume argument.

Saving the model

Once you fit the model, you can save the model with the saveRDS() function for replication. We strongly recommend to save the fitted model.

saveRDS(out, file = "SAVENAME.rds")

To load the model, you can use readRDS() function.

out <- readRDS(file = "SAVENAME.rds")

Interpreting results

There are two main quantities of interest in topic models. First, topic-word distribution represents the relative frequency of words for each topics, characterizing the topic content. Second, document-topic distribution represents the proportions of topics for each document, reflecting the main themes of the document and often called topic prevalence.

Since typical corpus contains several thousands of unique terms, we usually scrutinize ten to fifteen words that have high probabilities in a given topic, which is called top words of a topic.

The top_words() function returns a table of top words for each of estimated topics. Keywords assigned to a keyword topic are suffixed with a check mark. Keywords from another keyword topic are labeled with the topic id of that category.

In the table below, “law”, “laws”, and “executive” are keywords of the Government topic, while “peace” appears in top words of the Other_3 topic, it is a keyword of the peace topic.

##     1_Government   2_Congress     3_Peace   4_Constitution 5_ForeignAffairs
## 1          great      country   world [✓]           states       government
## 2            one     national         new constitution [✓]            union
## 3       american congress [✓]     america            great          war [✓]
## 4     government         made      nation            power           united
## 5           make       policy         let       rights [✓]           public
## 6       laws [✓]         best   peace [✓]          nations        interests
## 7        law [✓]         duty freedom [✓]   administration            state
## 8           hope    party [✓]        work            whole      foreign [✓]
## 9       citizens       office        know     institutions           powers
## 10 executive [✓]        order        life        necessary       principles
##       Other_1   Other_2 Other_3   Other_4 Other_5
## 1  government   justice  people    spirit    free
## 2   peace [3]      much     now    nation   first
## 3     support       men   every      well    long
## 4      public    system    time  citizens     man
## 5   political      part   years       one   power
## 6        good      many    just      high     yet
## 7     federal     force   among     trust  others
## 8  prosperity    action  future character   means
## 9      secure important    ever     since    even
## 10     proper resources   equal     honor  change

Researchers can also examine how likely each topic appears in the corpus with plot_topicprop(). This function creates a figure that shows the expected proportions of the corpus belonging to each estimated topic along with the top three words associated with the topic. The figure below demonstrates that the ``Peace’’ topic is most likely to appear in the corpus.

plot_topicprop(out, show_topic = 1:5)

To explore documents that are highly associated with each topic, the top_docs() function returns a table of document indexes in which a topic has high proportion.

The table below indicates, for example, that the ninth document in the corpus has the highest proportion of the Government topic among all other documents.

##    1_Government 2_Congress 3_Peace 4_Constitution 5_ForeignAffairs Other_1
## 1            58         28      46             19               16      31
## 2            53         21      53             18               10      36
## 3            32         22      47             23               11      27
## 4            55         29      52             15               12      26
## 5            54         37      50              9               15      25
## 6            51         34      54             14                8       2
## 7            52         31      51             24                7      28
## 8            57         23      55             12                1      23
## 9            45         25      44             17               13      24
## 10           50         26      57              6                5      35
##    Other_2 Other_3 Other_4 Other_5
## 1       41      47      14      44
## 2       30      20       6      43
## 3       35      21       3      45
## 4       32      57       1      48
## 5       37       2      17      56
## 6       36      45      39      42
## 7       33      48       4      51
## 8       31      50      32      52
## 9       29      46       2      49
## 10       8      53       7      40

Researchers may want to obtain the entire document-topic distribution and topic-word distribution. The output of the keyATM() function contains both quantities.

out$theta  # Document-topic distribution
out$phi    # Topic-word distribution

The keyATM provides other functions to diagnose and explore the fitted model. First, it is important to check the model fitting. If the model is working as expected, we would observe an increase trend for the log-likelihood and an decrease trend for the perplexity.

Also the fluctuation of these values get smaller as iteration increases. The plot_modelfit() function visualizes the within sample log-likelihood and perplexity and the created figure can be saved with the save_fig() function.

fig_modelfit <- plot_modelfit(out)

save_fig(fig_modelfit, "figures/base_modelfit.pdf", width = 7, height = 5)

Furthermore, the keyATM can visualize \(\boldsymbol{\alpha}\), the prior for the document-topic distribution, and \(\boldsymbol{\pi}\), the probability that each topic uses keyword topic-word distribution. Values of these parameters should also stabilize over time.


We can use the save_fig() function for both the plot_alpha() and the plot_pi() functions.