To fit topic models with keyATM, users need to
transform their text data using keyATM_read()
. This page
explains three ways to input text data into
keyATM can read a document-feature matrix
object) created by quanteda package
(this method is strongly recommended). Since
keyATM does not provide preprocessing functions, we
recommend users to preprocess texts with quanteda. By
making a token
object from a corpus
quanteda can perform various preprocessing methods (quanteda
Quick Start: Tokenizing texts). Users can create a dfm
object from a token
Here is an example of loading text data and transform it into the
quanteda corpus
format. We use the
readtext package in this example.
# Read text files
raw_docs <- readtext("PATH_TO_THE_FOLDER/*.txt",
encoding = "UTF-8")
# Preprocessing with quanteda and create a dfm object
key_corpus <- corpus(raw_docs, text_field = "text")
# If you use the covariate model, please consider using `docvars` argument
key_corpus <- corpus(raw_docs, text_field = "text", docvars = COVARIATES)
# You can conduct a variety of preprocessing in this step as shown in the next section
key_token <- tokens(key_corpus)
# Create a document-feature matrix (a dfm object) from a token object
key_dfm <- dfm(key_token)
We show a concrete example of preprocessing data and loading it into the keyATM. We use the US presidential inaugural address data that is one of the built-in datasets of the quanteda.
data(data_corpus_inaugural, package = "quanteda")
data_corpus_inaugural <- head(data_corpus_inaugural, n = 58)
Since the US presidential speech dataset is a corpus
object, we use the tokens()
function to convert this data
into a token
object and to preprocess texts before creating
a dfm
object. The tokens()
and related
functions in the quanteda provide various preprocessing
functions. Preprocessing can reduce the number of unique features
(words) in the corpus, which is critical for increasing the
interpretability. In the example below, we adopt some of the most common
preprocessing steps.
data_tokens <- tokens(
remove_numbers = TRUE,
remove_punct = TRUE,
remove_symbols = TRUE,
remove_separators = TRUE,
remove_url = TRUE
) %>%
tokens_tolower() %>%
"may", "shall", "can",
"must", "upon", "with", "without"
) %>%
tokens_select(min_nchar = 3)
The tokens()
function removes punctuations and
unnecessary characters,
The tokens_tolower()
function converts all characters
into lower cases, The tokens_remove()
function removes
general stop words (e.g, the, is, at, with
) and corpus specific high frequent
words (“may”, “shall”, …, “without” in this example), and
drops short words that do not usually
contribute to interpreting topics.
Before loading data into the keyATM, we construct a
document-feature matrix (dfm
object) with the
function in the quanteda. We trim
infrequent terms with the dfm_trim()
function. We typically
aim for 7000 to 10000 unique words at the maximum.
data_dfm <- dfm(data_tokens) %>%
dfm_trim(min_termfreq = 5, min_docfreq = 2)
ncol(data_dfm) # the number of unique words
## [1] 2569
Finally, keyATM_read
function reads your data for
keyATM_docs <- keyATM_read(texts = data_dfm)
Researchers are required to remove any documents that do not contain
any terms before using the keyATM_read()
function. If there
are documents that do not contain any terms, the
function raises a warning. It is highly
recommended to manually check documents with length 0 before fitting the
model, otherwise, the keyATM will automatically drop
these documents when fitting a model. Even so, we suggest users to
remove documents that do not contain any words as a part of
preprocessing. As explained in the later section, this process is
especially critical when the covariate model or the dynamic model is
fitted. The example below shows the warning that the
function displays.
keyATM_docs0 <- keyATM_read(texts = data_dfm_len0)
## Warning: There are documents with length 0 length. Indexes to check: 10 and 50
## ℹ This may cause invalid covariates or time indexes. Please review the
## preprocessing steps.
The warning message above indicates that there are two documents in
that do not contain any terms (the index 10
and 50). In the quanteda, we can easily remove
documents without any word counts with the following function.
data_dfm_rm0 <- dfm_subset(data_dfm_len0, ntoken(data_dfm_len0) > 0)
There are two other ways to read texts, which we do not recommend. Please make sure to preprocess texts with other packages or softwares. In both methods, each word should be separated by a single space.
can read data.frame
if you preprocess texts without
quanteda. Please store texts in a column named
. Below shows the example of the required data
> head(docs) # `docs` stores preprocessed texts
# A tibble: 6 x 1
1 h.r h.r one hundred first congress congress congress united u...
2 first congress one congress congress united united state stae...
3 one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one o...
4 h.r h.r one one one hundred hundred first first congress cong...
5 congress congress one united united united united united unit...
6 h.r h.r one one one one one hundred hundred first congress co...
# Read texts into keyATM
keyATM_docs <- keyATM_read(docs)
If you have preprocessed text files, you can pass a list of files to
# Create a list of paths to text files
textfiles <- list.files(PATH_TO_THE_FOLDER, pattern = "*.txt", full.names = TRUE)
# Read texts into keyATM
keyATM_docs <- keyATM_read(textfiles)
Feeding keywords into models plays an essential role in the keyATM. Researchers are expected to use their substantive knowledge and to carefully select keywords.
In this application, suppose we are interested in five topics, Government, Congress, Peace, Constitution, and Foreign affairs and choose keywords for each of these topics.
keywords <- list(
Government = c("laws", "law", "executive"),
Congress = c("congress", "party"),
Peace = c("peace", "world", "freedom"),
Constitution = c("constitution", "rights"),
ForeignAffairs = c("foreign", "war")
A set of keywords should be stored in a list object, and we recommend users to name each topic for clarity. Each keyword-topic can have a different number of keywords.
You can also use the read_keywords()
function to read a
dictionary object from quanteda to a named list.
Keywords should appear reasonable times (typically more than 0.1% of
the corpus) in the documents. The visualize_keywords()
function plots the frequency of keywords by topic.
key_viz <- visualize_keywords(docs = keyATM_docs, keywords = keywords)
The figure helps you to check the frequency of keywords. Including
low-frequency keywords do not help the model in general.
Proportion is defined as a number of times a keyword occurs in the corpus divided by the total length of documents. This measures the frequency of the keyword in the corpus. Formally, the proportion of the keyword \(v\) is, \[ \begin{align*} \text{Proportion of }v = \frac{\sum_{d=1}^{D} \sum_{i=1}^{N_d} I(w_{di} = v) }{\sum_{d=1}^{D} N_d} \end{align*} \] where \(N_d\) is the length of the document \(d\) and \(I\) is an indicator function. Keywords of each topic are ordered by the proportion (x-axis).
You can save the plot with the save_fig()
key_viz <- visualize_keywords(docs = keyATM_docs, keywords = keywords)
save_fig(key_viz, "figures/keyword.pdf", width = 6.5, height = 4)
and get the actual values with the values_fig()
## # A tibble: 12 × 5
## # Groups: Topic [5]
## Word WordCount `Proportion(%)` Ranking Topic
## <chr> <int> <dbl> <int> <fct>
## 1 laws 130 0.256 1 1_Government
## 2 law 129 0.254 2 1_Government
## 3 executive 97 0.191 3 1_Government
## 4 congress 130 0.256 1 2_Congress
## 5 party 81 0.159 2 2_Congress
## 6 world 311 0.612 1 3_Peace
## 7 peace 254 0.5 2 3_Peace
## 8 freedom 185 0.364 3 3_Peace
## 9 constitution 206 0.405 1 4_Constitution
## 10 rights 138 0.272 2 4_Constitution
## 11 war 174 0.342 1 5_ForeignAffairs
## 12 foreign 104 0.205 2 5_ForeignAffairs
The prune
argument of the
function is TRUE
default. It drops keywords that do not appear in the corpus and raises a
warning if there is any.
keywords_2 <- list(Government = c("laws", "law", "non-exist"))
key_viz2 <- visualize_keywords(docs = keyATM_docs, keywords = keywords_2)
## Warning: A keyword is pruned because it does not appear in the
## documents: non-exist
If all keywords assigned to a topic is pruned, it raises an error.
keywords_3 <- list(Government = c("non-exist", "non-exist2"))
key_viz3 <- visualize_keywords(docs = keyATM_docs, keywords = keywords_3)
## Error in `check_keywords()`:
## ! All keywords are pruned. Please check: Government
Besides choosing keywords using substantive knowledge, researchers
can select keywords based on the result of an unsupervised topic model
if they have a large enough corpus. The keyATM_read()
function can make a subset of the corpus by randomly splitting each
document (i.e., this is not a random sample of documents). In the
following example, we use 30% of each document to fit an unsupervised
model (results will not be meaningful because we only have 140
documents). An unsupervised model such as the LDA can explore the corpus. We use its
result to select keywords for the keyATM models (here, we fit the base keyATM with the remaining 70% of
corpus). This computer-assisted keyword selection does not mean that
researchers need to select all keywords from the top words of the LDA.
Researchers can use other methods such as a keyword selection algorithm
proposed in King, Lam and Roberts (2017).
set.seed(225) # set the seed before split the dfm
docs_withSplit <- keyATM_read(texts = data_dfm,
split = 0.3) # split each document
out <- weightedLDA(
docs = docs_withSplit$W_split, # 30% of the corpus
number_of_topics = 10, # the number of potential themes in the corpus
model = "base",
options = list(seed = 250)
top_words(out) # top words can aid selecting keywords
out <- keyATM(
docs = docs_withSplit, # 70% of the corpus
no_keyword_topics = 5, # number of topics without keywords
keywords = keywords, # selected keywords
model = "base", # select the model
options = list(seed = 250)
Now you have texts and keywords! The next step is to fit a model with
the keyATM()
function. keyATM has three
You can find details in FAQ.