Scholars often have meta information about documents (e.g., authorship). The keyATM provides a way to incorporate covariate for document-topic distribution, using a Dirichlet-Multinomial regression (Mimno and McCallum 2008). Section 3 of Eshima et al. (2024) explains the covariate keyATM in details.

Preparing covariates

We follow the same procedure for the text preparation explained in Preparation and explain how to prepare covariates in this section.

The docvars() function in the quanteda package is especially useful to construct a vector or a dataframe of covariates because it ensures that documents and covariates are corresponding to each other. Since the keyATM does not take missing values, we recommend researchers to remove any missing values from covariates before extracting them using the docvars().

Moreover, we strongly recommend researchers to extract covariates after preprocessing texts because preprocessing steps will remove documents without any terms, which may result in any discrepancies between documents and covariates.

Therefore, the recommended procedure is (1) removing missing values from covariates, (2) preprocessing texts (including the process to discard documents that do not contain any words), and (3) extracting covariates using docvars() function.

In this example, we create a period dummy and a party dummy from the corpus and use them as covariates for the covariate keyATM. First, we extract covariates attached to each document in the corpus with the docvars() function.

vars <- docvars(data_corpus_inaugural)
##   Year  President FirstName                 Party
## 1 1789 Washington    George                  none
## 2 1793 Washington    George                  none
## 3 1797      Adams      John            Federalist
## 4 1801  Jefferson    Thomas Democratic-Republican
## 5 1805  Jefferson    Thomas Democratic-Republican
## 6 1809    Madison     James Democratic-Republican

There are six unique parties and 58 unique years. We categorize them and create a new set of covariates. First, we divide years into two period, before and after 1900. Then, we categorize parties into Democratic, Republican, and Others.

vars %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  mutate(Period = case_when(Year <= 1899 ~ "18_19c",
                            TRUE ~ "20_21c")) %>%
  mutate(Party = case_when(Party == "Democratic" ~ "Democratic",
                           Party == "Republican" ~ "Republican",
                           TRUE ~ "Other")) %>%
  select(Party, Period) -> vars_selected
##             Period
## Party        18_19c 20_21c
##   Democratic      7     14
##   Other          13      0
##   Republican      8     16

Since we have categorical variables, we set baselines with the factor() function.

vars_selected %>%
  mutate(Party  = factor(Party,
                         levels = c("Other", "Republican", "Democratic")),
         Period = factor(Period,
                         levels = c("18_19c", "20_21c"))) -> vars_selected

The keyATM internally uses the model.matrix() function so that researchers can pass a formula to model covariates (for more detailed information, refer to formula). For example, in this example, we have a following matrix.

head(model.matrix(~ Party + Period, data = vars_selected))
##   (Intercept) PartyRepublican PartyDemocratic Period20_21c
## 1           1               0               0            0
## 2           1               0               0            0
## 3           1               0               0            0
## 4           1               0               0            0
## 5           1               0               0            0
## 6           1               0               0            0

Fitting the model

We fit the model with the keyATM() function, passing covariates data and the formula with the model_settings argument. The text data is the same as what we use in the base model. Please check this page for available options.

out <- keyATM(
  docs              = keyATM_docs,
  no_keyword_topics = 5,
  keywords          = keywords,
  model             = "covariates",
  model_settings    = list(covariates_data    = vars_selected,
                           covariates_formula = ~ Party + Period),
  options           = list(seed = 250)

Once you fit the model, you can save the model with saveRDS() for replication. This is the same as the base model.

You can resume the iteration by specifying the resume argument.

keyATM automatically standardizes non-factor covariates. The standardize option in model_settings argument of the keyATM() function now takes one of "all", "none", or "non-factor" (default). "all" standardizes all covariates (except the intercept), "none" does not standardize any covariates, and "non-factor" standardizes non-factor covariates.

Interpreting results

We can use the top_words(), top_docs(), plot_modelfit(), and plot_pi() functions as in the base keyATM. The plot_alpha() is not defined for the covariate keyATM because we use covariates to model the prior for the document-topic distribution and \(\alpha\) does not explicitly appear in the model.

Getting covariates from the output object

First, we use the output from the previous section and check the covariates used in the model. Note that covariates are standardized by default (i.e., each covariates to have zero mean and a standard deviation one).

This transformation does not change the substantive results as it is a linear transformation. Researchers can use raw values with standardize = FALSE in the model_settings argument.

Researchers can glance covariate information with the covariates_info() and the covariates_get() function will return covariates used in the fitted output.

## Colnames: (Intercept), PartyRepublican, PartyDemocratic, Period20_21c
## Standardization: non-factor
## Formula: ~ Party + Period
## Preview:
##   (Intercept) PartyRepublican PartyDemocratic Period20_21c
## 1           1               0               0            0
## 2           1               0               0            0
## 3           1               0               0            0
## 4           1               0               0            0
## 5           1               0               0            0
## 6           1               0               0            0
used_covariates <- covariates_get(out)
##   (Intercept) PartyRepublican PartyDemocratic Period20_21c
## 1           1               0               0            0
## 2           1               0               0            0
## 3           1               0               0            0
## 4           1               0               0            0
## 5           1               0               0            0
## 6           1               0               0            0

Covariates and document-topic distributions

The covariate keyATM can characterize the relations between covariates and document-topic distributions. We can obtain the marginal posterior mean of document-topic distribution conditioned on the covariates.

Suppose that we want to know document-topic distributions for each period. We use a binary variable Period20_21c, which indicates the period for this purpose.

The by_strata_DocTopic() function can display the marginal posterior means of document-topic distributions for each value of (discrete) covariates.

In the by_strata_DocTopic() function, we specify the variable we focus on in by_var argument and label each value in the variable (ascending order).

In this case, the Period20_21c equals zero indicates speeches in the 18th and 19th century and equals one for the speeches in the 20th and 21st century.

strata_topic <- by_strata_DocTopic(
  out, by_var = "Period20_21c",
  labels = c("18_19c", "20_21c")

We can visualize results with the plot() function. The figure shows the marginal posterior means of document-topic distributions and the 90% credible intervals of them for each value of covariates.

The figure indicates that both topics are more likely to appear in the 18th and 19th century.

fig_doctopic <- plot(strata_topic, var_name = "Period", show_topic = c(4, 5))

The figure can be saved with the save_fig() function.

save_fig(fig_doctopic, "figures/doctopic.pdf", width = 7, height = 3.5)

We can visualize results by covariate with by = "covariate" argument. The plot below combines two panels in the previous plot and display in the same panel.

fig_doctopic <- plot(
  strata_topic, var_name = "Period",
  show_topic = c(4, 5), by = "covariate"

Using the output of the keyATM, we can calculate 90% credible intervals of the differences in the mean of document-topic distribution.

Since we set the 18th and 19th century dummy as the baseline when constructing factor for this variable, the comparison is the relative increase or decrease from the 18th and 19th century to the 20th and 21st century.

theta1 <- strata_topic$theta[[1]]  # 18_19c
theta2 <- strata_topic$theta[[2]]  # 20_21c
theta_diff <- theta1[, c(4, 5)] - theta2[, c(4, 5)]  # focus on two topics
theta_diff_quantile <- apply(theta_diff, 2, quantile, c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95))
##     4_Constitution 5_ForeignAffairs
## 5%       0.1114047       0.02581989
## 50%      0.1439915       0.04607707
## 95%      0.1711520       0.07218872

Furthermore, we can use the predict() function to get the predicted mean of the document-topic distribution for three party categories.

strata_rep <- by_strata_DocTopic(
  out, by_var = "PartyRepublican",
  labels = c("Non-Republican", "Republican")
strata_dem <- by_strata_DocTopic(
  out, by_var = "PartyDemocratic",
  labels = c("Non-Democratic", "Democratic")

est_rep <- summary(strata_rep)[["Republican"]]  # Republican data
est_dem <- summary(strata_dem)[["Democratic"]]  # Democratic data

Now we are missing the baseline (Others).

new_data <- covariates_get(out)

# Setting both Republican and Democratic dummy to 0 means `Others`
new_data[, "PartyRepublican"] <- 0
new_data[, "PartyDemocratic"] <- 0
pred <- predict(out, new_data, label = "Others")

Now, we combine three objects and make a plot.

res <- bind_rows(est_rep, est_dem, pred) %>%
          filter(TopicID %in% c(4, 5))  # Select two topics
labels <- unique(res$label)

ggplot(res, aes(x = label, ymin = Lower, ymax = Upper, group = Topic)) +
  geom_errorbar(width = 0.1) +
  coord_flip() +
  facet_wrap(~Topic) +
  geom_point(aes(x = label, y = Point)) +
  scale_x_discrete(limits = rev(labels)) +
  xlab("Party") +
  ylab(expression(paste("Mean of ", theta))) +

Covariates and topic-word distribution

Although the covariate keyATM does not directly model topic-word distributions, the model can examine how topic-word distributions change across different values of document-level covariates. For this analysis, we need to use the keep argument in the keyATM() function to store Z and S. Then we pass the output with these stored values to the by_strata_TopicWord() function. The example below demonstrates top words associated to each topic for speeches from different parties using the Party covariate.

out <- keyATM(
  docs              = keyATM_docs,
  no_keyword_topics = 5,
  keywords          = keywords,
  model             = "covariates",
  model_settings    = list(covariates_data    = vars_selected,
                           covariates_formula = ~ Party + Period),
  options           = list(seed = 250),
  keep              = c("Z", "S")
strata_tw <- by_strata_TopicWord(
  out, keyATM_docs,
  by = as.vector(vars_selected$Party)

We check the result.

top_words(strata_tw, n = 3)
## $Other
##    1_Government   2_Congress     3_Peace   4_Constitution 5_ForeignAffairs
## 1         great   government   peace [✓]           states          country
## 2 executive [✓]       people   world [✓]            union          war [✓]
## 3          part congress [✓] freedom [✓] constitution [✓]            state
##        Other_1    Other_2 Other_3 Other_4 Other_5
## 1    necessary       much   among    full  people
## 2 institutions      every   first   order     one
## 3        whose government justice  reason  spirit
## $Democratic
##   1_Government 2_Congress   3_Peace   4_Constitution 5_ForeignAffairs
## 1        great government world [✓]           states          country
## 2          now     people       new           public            every
## 3       action   national    nation constitution [✓]           united
##        Other_1    Other_2 Other_3 Other_4 Other_5
## 1   prosperity      every     men   trade  people
## 2 institutions   american justice     men    time
## 3        whose government  change   moral  spirit
## $Republican
##   1_Government   2_Congress   3_Peace   4_Constitution 5_ForeignAffairs
## 1        great   government world [✓]           states          country
## 2      law [✓]       people       new           public          war [✓]
## 3          now congress [✓] peace [✓] constitution [✓]          nations
##     Other_1    Other_2 Other_3 Other_4 Other_5
## 1 necessary   american justice  secure  people
## 2     given      every   among   order     one
## 3 party [2] government     man    full    time

keyATM Covariate with Pólya-Gamma Augmentation

An alternative modeling approach is to use the Pólya-Gamma augmentation for topic assignments. This approach has a speed advantage (computational time does not significantly change by the number of covariates), but estimated topics can be sensitive to the order. Please read technical details before use this option.

To estimate keyATM Covariate with the Pólya-Gamma augmentation, set covariates_model = "PG".

out <- keyATM(
  docs              = keyATM_docs,
  no_keyword_topics = 5,
  keywords          = keywords,
  model             = "covariates",
  model_settings    = list(covariates_data    = vars_selected,
                           covariates_formula = ~ Party + Period,
                           covariates_model = "PG"),
  options           = list(seed = 250)
##      1_Government   2_Congress     3_Peace   4_Constitution 5_ForeignAffairs
## 1      government        great   world [✓]           people            union
## 2          states       united      people          country          war [✓]
## 3          public congress [✓]   peace [✓] constitution [✓]            power
## 4        laws [✓]    interests freedom [✓]       rights [✓]             duty
## 5             now    party [✓]        time             made            state
## 6        national       spirit      future             best       government
## 7   executive [✓]         high    progress            among      foreign [✓]
## 8          policy        might       faith              one           powers
## 9         law [✓]         well        good       principles           duties
## 10 administration     commerce         way          support            whole
##    Other_1  Other_2  Other_3 Other_4    Other_5
## 1  nations    never    every    make        new
## 2     free    right citizens     one    america
## 3      men     part   nation    work     nation
## 4  justice   secure     time     day        let
## 5     hope    order     many  always government
## 6    human     take     long liberty        now
## 7  purpose business   system    land       know
## 8    force     like   common    just    history
## 9     life question  service    home      today
## 10  action     oath    still  change        god


  • Eshima, S., Imai, K., & Sasaki, T. (2024). “Keyword Assisted Topic Models.” American Journal of Political Science 68(2): 730-750.
  • Mimno D. McCallum A. (2008). “Topic models conditioned on arbitrary features with Dirichlet-Multinomial regression.” In Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 411-418.