Document-Topic distribution by covariates

With keyATM covariates, we can calculate the predicted posterior distribution of the document-topic distributions. This is for keyATM Covariate.

out <- keyATM(
              docs              = keyATM_docs,     # text input
              no_keyword_topics = 3,               # number of topics without keywords
              keywords          = bills_keywords,  # keywords
              model             = "covariates",    # select the model
              model_settings    = list(covariates_data    = bills_cov,
                                       covariates_formula = ~ RepParty),
              options           = list(seed = 250)

Now let’s calculate the mean of theta for two different values of RepParty. The figure shows 90% credible intervals.

strata_topic <- by_strata_DocTopic(out, by_var = "RepParty", labels = c("Dem", "Rep"))
## [[1]]
## # A tibble: 7 x 7
##   Topic        Lower  Point Upper TopicId   val label
##   <chr>        <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>   <int> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 1_Education 0.110  0.172  0.285       1 -1.26 Dem  
## 2 2_Law       0.0397 0.0728 0.123       2 -1.26 Dem  
## 3 3_Health    0.0554 0.0989 0.152       3 -1.26 Dem  
## 4 4_Drug      0.0972 0.150  0.211       4 -1.26 Dem  
## 5 Other_1     0.0518 0.0985 0.173       5 -1.26 Dem  
## 6 Other_2     0.147  0.218  0.310       6 -1.26 Dem  
## 7 Other_3     0.0922 0.160  0.238       7 -1.26 Dem  
## [[2]]
## # A tibble: 7 x 7
##   Topic        Lower  Point  Upper TopicId   val label
##   <chr>        <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <int> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 1_Education 0.0573 0.0660 0.0770       1 0.790 Rep  
## 2 2_Law       0.105  0.122  0.140        2 0.790 Rep  
## 3 3_Health    0.133  0.157  0.176        3 0.790 Rep  
## 4 4_Drug      0.162  0.188  0.216        4 0.790 Rep  
## 5 Other_1     0.0284 0.0384 0.0530       5 0.790 Rep  
## 6 Other_2     0.269  0.298  0.325        6 0.790 Rep  
## 7 Other_3     0.114  0.130  0.150        7 0.790 Rep
plot(strata_topic, show_topic = c(1,2,3,4))

Topic-Word distribution by covariates

out <- keyATM(
              docs              = keyATM_docs,      # text input
              no_keyword_topics = 3,                # number of topics without keywords
              keywords          = bills_keywords,   # keywords
              model             = "base",           # base, covariates, or dynamic
              options           = list(seed = 250),
              keep              = c("Z", "S")       # You need to keep `Z` and `S`

We have a binary variable of the party ID of bill’s proposer. 0 indicates Democrat and 1 indicates Republican.

bills_cov <- keyATM_data_bills$cov
table(bills_cov[, "RepParty"])
##  0  1 
## 54 86

by_strata_TopicWord() function calculates topic-word distribution subsetted by a vector provided.

RepParty <- as.vector(bills_cov[, "RepParty"])  # the length should be the same as the number of documents
strata_tw <- by_strata_TopicWord(out, keyATM_docs, by = RepParty)

You can get top words with top_words().

top_words(strata_tw, n = 5)
## $`0`
##     1_Education       2_Law   3_Health      4_Drug     Other_1   Other_2
## 1         grant      action public [✓]    drug [✓]    research  facility
## 2 education [✓]     law [✓] health [✓]    describe  technology    follow
## 3         local      person    veteran        date    director       end
## 4        school enforcement       care      person    national amendment
## 5       library    juvenile        tax application development establish
##      Other_3
## 1    project
## 2     center
## 3 management
## 4   national
## 5       rare
## $`1`
##     1_Education     2_Law   3_Health   4_Drug     Other_1   Other_2  Other_3
## 1 education [✓]   law [✓] public [✓]     date  electronic    follow national
## 2        school court [✓] health [✓]   report    director       end wildlife
## 3   educational    action       care describe information amendment   system
## 4         grant      code    medical drug [✓]    national  congress     land
## 5         local  district    veteran      day  technology   amended   refuge

As long as the length is the same as the number of documents, you can use a character vector for by argument argument.

RepParty_chr <- ifelse(bills_cov[, "RepParty"] == 0, "Democrat", "Republican")
strata_tw_chr <- by_strata_TopicWord(out, keyATM_docs, RepParty_chr)
top_words(strata_tw_chr, n = 3)
## $Democrat
##     1_Education   2_Law   3_Health   4_Drug    Other_1  Other_2    Other_3
## 1         grant  action public [✓] drug [✓]   research facility    project
## 2 education [✓] law [✓] health [✓] describe technology   follow     center
## 3         local  person    veteran     date   director      end management
## $Republican
##     1_Education     2_Law   3_Health   4_Drug     Other_1   Other_2  Other_3
## 1 education [✓]   law [✓] public [✓]     date  electronic    follow national
## 2        school court [✓] health [✓]   report    director       end wildlife
## 3   educational    action       care describe information amendment   system